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Regio Project

DIPAFI LIGHTING SRL is the beneficiary of the project "DIPAFI LIGHTING SRL - PRODUCT, PROCESS AND SERVICE INNOVATION", MySMIS code 131383, project financed by the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2: "Improving the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises", Investment priority 2.1 A: "Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and by encouraging the creation of new enterprises, including through business incubators".

The financing contract was concluded with the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration, as the Management Authority, and with the Agency for Regional Development of the South-East Development Region, as the Intermediate Body.

The general objective of the project aims to access a source of non-reimbursable support, which supports product, process, service innovation through the purchase of equipment and machinery specific to the production activity: 2740. The purpose of the project is to ensure complementarity of these actions and the implementation of measures regarding equality of chance and treatment, minimization at the source of the waste generated from the production activity, the implementation of measures to make the location accessible to people with disabilities.
The specific objectives of the project include:

1. The purchase of equipment, machinery and intangible assets specific to the activity for which financing is requested, aimed at increasing production efficiency. This objective also includes: the purchase of equipment/machinery with low energy consumption including eco-friendly technologies thus minimizing the impact on the environment, minimizing the waste generated at the source and increasing the degree of recovery and recycling of waste by purchasing a bin for selective collection with 3 containers, upgrading and purchasing more energy efficient equipment by purchasing a ventilation system with heat recovery, ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities: purchasing a mobile ramp.

2. The purchase of specialized services as follows: consultancy for the development of the Business Plan and the Application for financing, management services during the project implementation period, specialized services for information activities and project publicity according to the POR 2014-2020 Visual Identity Manual .

3. Compliance with the principles regarding equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, the employment of people from disadvantaged categories, the implementation of measures regarding the minimization of waste generated from the activity performed at the source.

The total value of the project is 715,651.70 lei, of which the non-refundable amount is 572,521.36 lei, of which the non-refundable amount from the ERDF is 486,643.16 lei and the non-refundable amount from the state budget is 85,878.20 lei.

The duration of the project implementation is 30 months: respectively from 12.07.2019 to 30.12.2021

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